Terms & Conditions
These terms apply between White & Green Ribbon (WGR) and you, the participant (the Ribboner), who agrees to the contract with WGR as specified in the confirmation.
As a Ribboner, you must adhere to all fundamental RULES, act as a good ambassador for the mountains as both natural and cultural landscapes, and acknowledge that your journey is undertaken entirely at your own risk.
Your registration becomes binding once you have paid the registration fee for the Ribbon and WGR has confirmed your registration.
As a Ribboner, you are responsible for carefully checking the confirmation as soon as you receive it. Any errors should be reported directly to WGR or via your profile page.
To register, you must be at least 18 years old, or your registration must be approved by your legal guardian.
Your registration is personal and cannot be transferred to another person.
Any cancellation or changes must be made either through direct contact with WGR or via your profile page.
A registered and paid journey can be postponed by up to one year (365 days) at no cost. For longer delays, a new registration and payment are required.
As a Ribboner, you must always be able to present your membership card (via Cardskipper) when using discounts for equipment, accommodation, etc.
For any complaints, contact WGR directly. If you and WGR cannot reach an agreement, you may contact the Swedish National Board for Consumer Disputes (Allmänna Reklamationsnämnden).
If WGR becomes aware that you have clearly violated any of the Ribbon rules, WGR reserves the right to invalidate your registration and your journey within the framework of WGR. In such cases, WGR also reserves the right to invalidate a previously approved Ribbon.
WGR may reasonably modify the terms of your registration due to external cost increases, even after the contract has become binding for both parties.
WGR is not responsible for any incorrect information or promises made by third parties.
WGR reserves the right to adjust laws and prices outside of WGR’s control.
If registration cannot be completed due to circumstances beyond WGR’s control, which could not have been foreseen when the contract was signed, and whose consequences could not have been avoided or mitigated, WGR is exempt from liability for damages or other consequences (according to Force Majeure).
Please, read the Terms & Conditions before registering for your Ribbon!