The history behind the White & Green Ribbon
The idea for Fjällfararnas Vita & Gröna Band, or the White & Green Ribbon, originated during the Sweden Around expedition in 1997, when Torkel and Annica Ideström traversed Sweden’s borders entirely under their own power. The journey began at Treriksröset with skiing to Grövelsjön, transitioning to cycling to the Svinesund Bridge, where they started Sea Paddlers Blue Ribbon . In Haparanda, they switched back to cycling to close the loop at Treriksröset.
Since Sea Paddlers Blue Ribbon had been a well-established challenge for many years, creating an equivalent for the mountain chain seemed natural. This led to two variations: a winter challenge, Vita Bandet (The White Ribbon), and a summer challenge, Gröna Bandet (The Green Ribbon).
A few years passed before Torkel and Annica officially launched the White & Green Ribbon, alongside the first jury. In the winter of 2010, Magnus Göransson became the first to complete the White Ribbon, followed by four other participants. The first Green Ribbon completer was Lars Wessel, also in 2010.
Until 2023, the Ribbons was managed by the Ideströms, with continuous support from a jury/reference group. As the concept grew beyond expectations, new energy and expertise were needed. That’s when their friend Sara Wänseth – herself a White Ribbon completer in 2022 – joined as a partner. This collaboration marked a deluxe reboot, packed with fresh, exciting ideas to further develop the project!
Sara, Torkel and Annica