Register for the White & Green Ribbon
Are you ready for a unique mountain adventure through Sweden’s mountain wilderness? It will be amazing, but also incredibly challenging. You’ll experience glorious days with blue skies and endure some truly wild weather. You’ll savor moments of solitude but also cherish encounters with kind and welcoming people. And you’ll create unforgettable memories for life.
A warm welcome to sign up for the White & Green Ribbon! Simply click on REGISTER and fill in your details. Then, an unforgettable adventure awaits you.
The registration fee is 1,800 SEK. If you’ve previously signed up for a Ribbon, you’re considered a Veteran and receive a 300 SEK discount.
When you sign up, you’ll gain access to your personal membership card via the Cardskipper app. This gives you access to a variety of exclusive BENEFITS.
Sign up as soon as you’ve decided to embark on the adventure (unfortunately, registration cannot be completed after you’ve started your journey). If, for any reason, you are unable to start, you may postpone your registration for up to one year at no extra cost, as long as it’s before your planned start date.
Registration is personal, so even if you’re traveling with companions, every participant must complete their own registration. In your registration, you can indicate your travel companions for the journey.
Your Ribbon journey is undertaken at your own responsibility and risk.
Make sure to review all the RULES for the journey as well as the TERMS & CONDITIONS for registration. We also require you to carry an EMERGENCY TRANSMITTER during your trip.
Welcome to the adventure!